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1.Name the product and by product of photosynthesis.
2.In which biochemical form the photosynthate moves in phloem tissue?
3.What are the raw materials of photosynthesis?
4.What is the similarity between chlorophyll and hemoglobin?
5.Name the products of photolysis of water.
6.What are the end products of light dependant reaction?
7.Which cell organelle is the site of photosynthesis?
8.What is the difference between digestion of heterotrophs and saprotrophs?
9.Give example of two plants and two animal parasites.
10.Name the enzyme present in saliva, what is its role in digestion?
11.Which chemical is used to test for starch? Which colour shows the presence of starch?
12.Give the term- rhythmic contraction of alimentary canal muscle to propel food.
13.Name the three secretions of gastric glands.
14.What is the function of mucus in gastric gland?
15.Name the sphincter which regulates the exit of food from the stomach.
16.Give the functions of hydrochloric acid for the body.
17.What is the role of pepsin in stomach?
18.Why pancreas is called mixed gland?
19.Give two functions of bile juice, from which organ it is released?
20.Name the largest gland of our body.
21.Name any three important enzymes of pancreas and the food component on which they act.
22.Where from intestinal juice come to the small intestine?
23.What is the function of intestinal juice?
24.What are the simplest digestive product of carbohydrate, fats and protein?
25.Name the finger like projections of small intestine and what is the necessity of such type of projections in digestive system?
26.Why are intestinal villis highly vascular?
27.What is the function of anal sphincter?
28.Name the site of anaerobic and aerobic respiration in a cell.
29.A three carbon compound is the common product of both aerobic and anaerobic pathway. What is that?
30.Why do we get muscle cramp after vigorous exercise?
31.Distinguish between lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation?
32.Name the energy currency molecule of cell?
33.The breathing rate of aquatic animals is high, why?
34.What is the function of mucus and fine hair in nostrils?
35.Give the function of network of capillaries on alveoli.
36.Name the main carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide in man.
37.Why does haemoglobin molecule act as efficient carrier of oxygen than diffusion process?
38.Give example of any three substances transported by plasma.
39.Name the organ that- (a) pushes blood around body (b) make blood to reach to tissues.
40.Name the blood vessel that carries blood from heart to lungs and from lungs to heart.
41.How many heart chambers are there in (a) fish (b) frog (c) lizard (d) crocodile (e) birds (f) man?
42.Name the device that measures blood pressure.
43.What is the normal blood pressure of man?
44.Why capillaries are thin walled?
45.Which cell of blood help in wound healing?
46.What is the other name of lymph?
47.Give two function of lymph.
48.What is the direction of flow of water in xylem and food in phloem?
49.Why do plants need less energy than animals?
50.Which process acts as suction to pull water from xylem cells of roots.
51.Mention two functions of transpiration.
52.What are the two substances transported through phloem tissue?
53.Name the food component whose digestion produce nitrogenous waste?
54.Which is the functional unit of kidney?
55.What is the cup shaped structure of nephron called?
56.Which materials are selectively reabsorbed by nephron tubule?
57.What are the two important functions of kidney.
58.What is the other name of artificial kidney?


1.Product-starch by product-oxygen
3.carbon dioxide, water
4.both are pigments
5.oxygen, electron and protons
8.Heterotrophs- digestion occurs inside the body, saprotrophs- digestion occurs outside of body.
9.plant-cuscuta, orchid animal-lice, tics
10.Salivary amylase-It digests starch to maltose.
11.Iodine solution, blue
13.HCl, pepsin, mucus
14.Protects the inner lining of stomach from the action of acid HCl.
15.Pyloric sphincter
16.Activates pepsin, make the medium acidic for enzyme action, Microcidal.
17.Pepsin digests protein into peptones.
18.It behaves as exocrine as well as endocrine gland.
19.(i)Emulsifies fat (ii) Change the food medium into alkaline on which pancreatic enzyme can act.
21.(i)Amylase- carbohydrate, (ii) Lipase- fat, (iii) Trypsin- protein.
22.Secreted from internal wall of small intestine.
23.Perform final digestion of all food components.
24.(i) carbohydrate- glucose, (ii)fat- fatty acid, glycerol (iii) protein- amino acid.
25.Villi, Increase the surface area of absorption of digested food.
26.More the blood supply, the more will be the absorption of digested food.
27.Regulate the exit of waste material.
28.Anaerobic-cytoplasm, aerobic- mitochondria.
29.Pyruvic acid.
30.Because of the accumulation of lactic acid which is formed due to anaerobic break down of glucose.
31.Lactic acid is a 3 carbon compound produced on oxidation of glucose anaerobically where as ethanol a 2 carbon compound is formed on anaerobic oxidation of glucose along with co2.
33.Because they take dissolved oxygen whose percentage in water is lower than atmospheric percentage.
34.Filter impurities.
35.Exchange of gases by diffusion process. Oxygen from lungs moves to blood and carbon dioxide from blood moves to lungs.
36.O2(-ve)haemoglobin, O2(-ve)plasma.
37.Haemoglobin has high affinity for oxygen, so it carries the gas faster in blood where as diffusion is a slow process.
38.Digested food, carbon dioxide, nitrogenous waste.
39.(a) Heart, (b) blood vessel.
40.(a) Pulmonary artery, (b) pulmonary vein.
41.(a) 2, (b) 3, (c) 3, (d) 4 (e) 4 (f) 4.
44.For exchange of materials by diffusion process.
45.Platelet cells.
46.Tissue fluid.
47.Carries digested and absorbed fats, drains excess fluid from extra cellular space to blood.
48.Flow of water is unidirectional i.e. from root to leaves, but flow of food bidirectional i.e. leaf to sink and vice versa.
49.Plants are nonmotile; most of the cells are dead.
51.(i)Absorption and upward movement of water and minerals, (ii) temperature regulation.
52.Sucrose, amino acid.
53.Protein, nucleic acid.
55.Bowman’s capsule.
56.Glucose, amino acids, salts, water.
57.Filtration of nitrogenous waste from blood and osmoregulation.



1.Define heredity. Give example of inherited traits.
2.Why do asexually reproducing organisms show very little variation?
3.ow does creation of variation in a species promote survival?
4.Why did Mendel select pea plant in his experiment?
5.Why is the symbol used for a trait (tall) denoted by two letters such as TT, Tt or tt?
6.Explain the result of Mendel’s monohybrid cross.
7.What experiment would we do to confirm that F2 generation did in fact have a ratio of 1:2:1?
8.What is dihybrid cross? What is the ratio of F2 hybrid?
9.How do traits get expressed?
10.Give example of animals in which sex is not genetically determined.
11.Define evolution, give examples.
12.Differentiate between inherited and acquired traits.
13.Narrate the contribution of Darwin.What is the limitation in his theory?
14.Define speciation. What factors could led to rise of a new species?
15.What is the relationship between classification and evolution?
16.What are homologous organs? Give examples?
17.What are analogous organs give examples?
18.How do study of fossils help in evolutionary process?
19.Give example to explain that evolution has taken place in stages not by a single DNA change?
20.Why are human beings who look so different from each other in terms of size colour and looks said to belong to same species?
21.What are characteristics?


1.The transmission of characters from parents to offspring from one generation to another is called heredity. Inherited traits are characters that are transferred from one generation to another. E.g. Height, skin colour, ability to roll tongue, hemophilia.
2.Asexually reproducing organisms have same genetic make up, so they show very little variations which is due to (i) small inaccuracies in DNA copying (mutation) , (ii) influence of environment which is not heritable.
3.The chance of survival depends on nature of variation. It has adaptive advantage; the organism is selected by nature and survives. E.g. Heat resistant bacteria.
4.(i) Small and easy to grow (ii) bisexual flower (iii) self fertilizing in nature and also cross bread experimentally. (iii) Produce large number of offspring (iv) life cycle completes in one season (v) available in many contrasting characters.
5.Because each trait is influenced by both paternal and maternal DNA..
6.(i) Only one of the parental trait is observed in F1 progeny when two contrasting character of a trait is considered. (ii) The trait which is seen in F1 hybrid is dominant one. (iii)When F1 hybrid is self pollinated both the characteristics appear in ratio of 3:1 which shows that F1 hybrid has the traits of both characteristics.
7.By doing self pollination ,TT- 100% tall plants, Tt- 3:1 tall and dwarf plants, tt- 100% dwarf plants
8.Two contrasting characters are taken at a time in this cross. F1 hybrid shows only dominant characters. Ratio-9:3:3:1
9.(i)Chromosomes present in nucleus contain hereditary information. (ii)Chromosomes are made up of DNA and protein. Its important component is DNA.(iii)Chromosomes occur in pair, one comes from mother and others from father.(iv)Part of DNA responsible for a trait is called gene.(v) A gene is expressed in the form of proteins. E.g. for tallness of a plant if proteins work efficiently a lot of hormone will be produced and the plant will be tall.
10.(I) snail-can change sex. (II) turtle-High incubation temperature leads to develop female offspring. (III) Lizard-High incubation temperature leads to develop male offspring.
11.It means ‘unfolding or unrolling’ change from one condition to another. It means members of a species change generation after generation in accordance with environmental requirements to turn into new species. It is the process of cumulative change of living population and in the descendant populations of organisms. Evolution is a change in the genetic composition of a population. It is due to errors in DNA copying as a result of sexual reproduction. Example---- (A) NATURAL SELECTION-It brings about adaptive relations between organisms and environment by favoring the reproduction and survival of those individuals which are found more suited in the given environment. (B) GENETIC DRIFT—Random change in the frequency occurring by chance irrespective of its being beneficial or harmful. In small population, for this reason some unfavorable character may be fixed or beneficial character may be lost. (C) Changes take place, but the change is not inherited in germ cells, so reappear.
12.ACQUIRED TRAITS—(i) This character develops in an organism due to influence of environmental condition, use and disuse of organs etc. (ii) The characters are restricted to somatic cells only. (iii)The traits cannot be inherited. E.g. decrease of weight due to starvation, strong muscle of a wrestler. INHERITED TRAIT-(i) this character develops in an organism due to change in the germ cells. The cause of the change is due to inaccuracies in DNA copying. (ii) The trait is coded in genes of chromosomes.(iii) The trait is inherited. E.g. colorblindness, hemophilia.
13.Charles Darwin explained how evolution might have occurred in nature from simple to complex form and origin of species by natural selection. Limitation—He could not explain how living organism originated on earth surface.
14.SPECIATION is origin of new species. FACTORS-(i)natural selection (ii) genetic drift (iii)reproductive isolation (iv)mutation
15.The more characteristics two species will have in common, the more closely they are related. They will also have a common ancestor. Classification is done basing on similarities and dissimilarities. So classification of species is in fact a reflection of their evolutionary relationship.
16.The organs which have same fundamental structure but are different in function are called homologues organs. E.g. fore limbs of frog, lizard, whale and man.
17.The organs which have similar function but differ in structural details and origin. E.g. Wings of bat, birds and insects.
18.Fossils are remains or impressions of the hard parts of the past individuals in the strata of the earth. Since rocks are laid down sequentially, with older rocks laid down before, and thus below, younger rocks, the chronological sequence of an organism can be inferred from where the fossils are found.
19.(a)Feathers were firstly developed in dinosaurs provide insulations in cold weather, later on developed in birds used for flight, which indicated close relationship between birds and reptiles. This also indicates character which developed for one function is later used for entirely different function. (b)Eyes- planaria-rudimentary eyes which are photosensitive spots. Insects-compound eyes. Octopus and vertebrates-complex structure. The structure of eye in each of these organism is different enough for them to have separate evolutionary origin.(c)Very dissimilar structure may evolve from common ancestral design. E.g.-from wild cabbage man has developed cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale and broccoli.
20.Because they can interbreed.
21.Characteristics are details of appearance or behaviour.



1.What are the significances of reproduction?
2.Why do we find variations in the offspring of parents although they have taken birth from the same parents?
3.Why variations are considered extremely important?
4.Differentiate between regeneration and fragmentation?
5.Why is regeneration not same as reproduction?
6.How will an organism be benefited if it reproduces through spores?
7.Which part of plant is considered as the reproductive part? Draw the L.S of labeled diagram of reproductive part showing the male and female reproductive organ.
8.Distinguish between self and cross pollination.
9.Differentiate pollination and fertilization.
10.Explain the post fertilization changes in flower.
11.What are the advantages of seed formation?
12.Give the labeled diagram of
a. Germination of pollen on stigma.
b. Seed Germination.
c. Structure of seed.
13.What are the similar changes observed in boys and girls at puberty?
14.What are the different changes that occur in boys and girls during puberty?
15.Define Puberty?
16.Distinguish between primary and secondary sex organs?
17.What are two important functions of testes and ovary?
18.Why are human testes extra abdominal?
19.What are the functions of testosterone and estrogen?
20.Distinguish between male and female germ cell.
21.Where fertilization does takes place in case of human oviduct or fallopian tube?
22.What is placenta? What is its function?
23.What happens when egg is not fertilized?
24.The marriageable are of male and female is 21 years and 18 years respectively, the rule is made by government, although the sexual maturation take place in them earlier. Why?
25.What are the adverse effects of early marriage?
26.What is reproductive health?
27.What are the various types of contraception?


1.(i) continuation of life (ii) perpetuation of species (iii) replacement of individual (iv) variation and transfer of variation.
2.Variations are differences found in morphological, physiological and other traits of individuals belonging to the same organism, race or family. They develop due to (i) faulty DNA replication (ii) Crossing over (iii) Chance separation of chromosome during separation (iv) Chance combination during fertilisation (v) Mutation.
3.(A) Pre adaptation -Variation function as pre adaptation to environmental changes like increase or decrease in temperature, drought, antibiotic resistance, pesticide resistance etc. ( B) Individuality- As variation provides individuality we recognise each other. (C) Evolution-Provides raw material for evolution or formation of new species.
4.REGENERATION-(I) This type of reproduction is seen in fully differentiated organisms. (II) It is carried out by specialised cells, which proliferate and form mass of cells. From mass of cells, different cells undergo changes to become various cell types and tissues. These changes take place in an organise sequence. E.g.-Hydra, Planaria. FRAGMENTATION- (I) The type of reproduction is seen in multicellular organisms with relatively simple body organisation. (II) No specialised cells involves in this process. E.g. Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes.
5.Because organisms would not normally depend on being cut up to be able to reproduce.
6.The spores are covered by thick resistant walls due to which they pass through unfavorable conditions of drought, high or low temperature. Being small they can disperse long distances by air.
7.Flower. see text book diagram figure 8.7
8.Self pollination-It is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of same flower. Cross pollination- It is the transfer of pollen grains from anther of one flower to stigma of another flower. The transfer is accomplished by an external agency like wind, water, insect or birds.
9.Pollination-It is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma and this process precedes fertilisation. Fertilisation-It is the fusion of male and female gametes that occur after fertilisation.
10.(i) Zygote divides several times to form an embryo within ovule.(ii) Ovule changes into seed having tough seed coat (iii) Ovary changes into fruit.(iv)Sepal, petal, stamen, style and stigma shrivel and fall off.
11.(i) Dormant embryo and tough seed coat best suited to pass through unfavorable seasons.(ii) Easily dispersed to long distances as they are small and light. (iii) As seeds remain dormant, so edible seeds can be stored for later use.
12.See text book diagram.
13.(i) Hair-Growth of hair in arm pits and genital area between the thighs. (ii)Genital area- Becomes darker. (iii) Body hair-Thinner hair on legs, arms and face. (iv)Skin-Becomes oily, appearance of pimples mainly on face. (v)Awareness of body- Children become conscious and aware of their own bodies as well as those of others.
14.Girls- The changes occur in response to hormone estrogen. (i) increase of breast size (ii) darkening of skin nipples (iii)beginning of menstruation (iv)broadening of pelvis (v) fat deposition on face, buttocks and thigh. Boys- The changes occur in response to hormone testosterone. (i) slow growth of thick hair on face(moustaches, beard) (ii) cracking of voice (iii) enlargement of testes, scrotum, penis. (iv) Erect of penis either in day dreams or at night.
15.The period when reproductive maturity begins to appear is called puberty.
16.Primary sex organ-Sex organ which produce germ cells or gametes and sex hormones. Male-testes, females-ovaries. Secondary sex organs-The sex organs which conduct and nourish the gametes. Male-vasa differentia, penis, seminal vesicles, prostrate gland. Female- fallopian tube, uterus, vagina
17.Testes-(i) produce sperms (ii) secrete hormone testosterone. Ovaries- (i) produce ovum (ii) secrete hormone estrogen.
18.Testes are extra abdominal because it acts as thermo regulator keeping a temperature 1-3 degree Celsius below that of body, essential for development of sperm.
19.Testosterone-Regulate sperm formation. Development of secondary sexual characteristics in males i.e., changes appear in boys at puberty. Estrogen- Regulates ovum formation. Development of secondary sexual characteristics in females.
20.Male germ cell-(i) smaller size (ii) active and motile (iii) contains genetic material in a tiny body and a long tail. Female germ cell- (i) bigger size (ii) passive and nonmotile (iii) contains nucleus and cytoplasm .Nucleus contains genetic material.
21.Oviduct or fallopian tube
22.Placenta is a disc shaped structure which is the vital connection between fetus and mother. It provides glucose and oxygen from to embryo. It transfers waste of embryo to mother’s blood.
23.(i) Ovary releases one egg every month and the uterus prepares itself to receive the fertilised egg.(ii) To receive the zygote its lining become thick, spongy for nourishing embryo. (iii)If the egg is not fertilised, this lining is not needed any longer.(iv) So the lining slowly breaks and comes out through vagina as blood and mucus, this is called menstruation.(v) This cycle takes place every month and menstruation starts for 2-8 days.
24.Sexual maturation is a gradual process. It occurs while the general body growth is still going on. So sexual maturation does not mean that body and mind is ready for sexual acts and bringing up children.
25.(i) Teen age couples cannot bring up their children. (ii) Reproduction may affect the health of mother as well as child. (iii) May bring deformity in children. (iv)Young couple cannot peruse studies, nor can they have a carrier.
26.It is the state of physical, mental and social fitness to lead a responsible, safe and satisfying reproductive life. (i) It provides awareness regarding fertility regulating method. (ii) Family planning. (iii) Prevention of STD. (iv) Manage disorders related to reproductive system by getting them treated at the earliest.
27.Prevention of pregnancy is called contraception. The technique used in preventing the occurrence of pregnancy is called contraceptive devices. (i) Mechanical Barrier method-It prevents the entry of sperm to uterus or reach to egg. E.g. condom (males), cervical cap (females), diaphragm. (ii) Hormonal method-It changes hormonal balances, so that eggs are not released and fertilisation does not occur. These are oral pills. (iii)Surgical method-It prevents passage of sperms in males and ova in females. It is of two types. (i) Tubectomy-In this oviduct is blocked by which ova cannot be released. (ii)Vasectomy- In this vasadeferntia of males is blocked. This prevents passage of sperms from testes to semen. Loop or copper T-It is placed in uterus of female which prevents fertilisation.


1.During which reaction of photosynthesis oxygen is released?
2.Name two green house gases.
3.Which part of brain maintains equilibrium and posture of the body?
4.How did “Chipko movement” ultimately benefit the local population? Give two benefits.
5.Draw a neuron and label its parts.
6.(a)What do you mean by homologous organs? Give two good examples. (b) Thorn of lemon and spine of cactus in plant are which type of organ-Homologous or analogous?
7.Excessive burning of fossil fuels is harmful for living organisms and atmospheres .How?
8.What happens to glucose which enters to nephron along with filtrate during excretion in human being? State two vital function of kidney.
9.(a) Why trachea is not collapse when there is no air in it? (b)The lungs alveoli are covered with blood capillaries. (c)Why glottis is is guarded by epiglottis?
10.(a)What is the name of male gamete in man? (b) Which organ produces it? (c)Why it has got a tail and where does it get nourished? (d)What is ovulation?
---------------------------------------OR------------------------------------- (a) What are the different types of tropic movement in plants? (b)What is chemotropism? (c) Name one plant hormone that promotes growth and one plant hormone that inhibits growth. (d)Name the part of the plant that shows negative hydrotropism and negative phototropism. (e) Name a plant whose leaves fold up and droop when you touch it.

Click Here For the Answers.


1.Light reaction
2.Methane, Carbon dioxide.
4.Benefits of local people by Chipko movement- (i) economic development-The local people became economically developed by trading different forest products without harming the forest. (ii) Social benefit-The forest is a type of shelter for them. Collecting firewood, gums etc became easier for them.(iii)Environmental benefit-Reducing deforestation decreased the pollution of environment and people got a soothing climate.
5.See text book diagram.
6.(a)Organs having same structural plan, same origin, same developmental pattern but differ in function are called homologous organs. E.g. Fore limbs of man & bird. (b)Analogous organs.
7.(i) Released harmful gases cause air pollution. (ii)Gases cause respiratory diseases to man.(iii)cause environmental problems like global warming, acid rain, depletion of ozone layer, smog etc.
8.Glucose is selectively reabsorbed while passing through nephron tubule. Two vital functions of kidney are (i) filtration of nitrogenous waste from blood. (ii) Osmoregulation i.e. keeps balance of water and ions.
9.(a) Trachea does not collapse because it is supported by ‘C’ shaped cartilage. (b) For exchange of gases i.e. oxygen from alveoli moves to capillaries and from capillary blood carbon dioxide moves to alveoli.
10.(a) Sperm, testes, for motility in female reproductive organ, Reproductive gland i.e. prostrate gland. (b) Placenta-Vital connection between mother and fetus .Function- provides necessary material like oxygen, food, antibodies etc to fetus from mother and brings waste from fetus. (c) Release of mature ovum from ovary.


a) phototrophic, chemotropic, hydrotropic, geotropic (b) Movement of plants or plant parts towards chemicals e.g. movement of pollen tube in ovary. (c) Negative hydrotropism-stem negative phototropism- root (d) mimosa pudica (touch me not) plant.


1. What is reflex action? Explain with an example along with the diagram of the stated example. Define reflex arc.
A. It is an accurate, unconscious, involuntary and instantaneous response to a stimulus.
e.g.: Hand is withdrawn on being picked.
The pathway taken by a stimulus to travel from receptor organ to effector organ is known as reflex arc.
Schematic pathway:
STIMULUS------->RECEPTOR ORGAN-----(sensory neuron)----->SPINAL CORD---(motor neuron)----->EFFECTOR ORGAN------->RESPONSE
See text book for diagram.
2. Distinguish between nastic and tropic movement?
1. Growth is not involved.--------1. Growth is involved.
2. Movement is not directional.-2. Movement is directional.
3. Stimulus is diffused.------------3. Stimulus is unilateral.
3. How is hormone secretion is regulated by feedback means?
A. Feedback system is a regulatory mechanism in which presence of certain level of substance promotes or inhibits its further formation.
e.g.: Regulation of thyroxine production by its concentration in blood.
Concentration is detected by hypothalamus of brain. If its low the information from hypothalamus moves o pituitary. The pituitary sends information to the thyroid through blood. Then thyroid gland secretes more thyroxine.

If thyroxine in blood is excess hypothalamus stops producing information to pituitary and pituitary stops producing information to thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine.
4. What is the role of brain in reflex action?
A. the reflex action in which spinal cord is involved, brain acts as the information collecting centre. But in some other reflexes such as salivation at the site or smell of food, closing of eyes in bright light the brain acts as the relay centre transferring impulse from sensory to motor neuron.
5. What’s the role of control and coordination in an organism?
A. Multicellular organisms consists of a number of components i.e. organs or tissues, each specialised to perform a particular function.
Most activities need simultaneous and sequential functioning of number of organs e.g. feeding- 1. Eyes locate food. 2. Nose smells it. 3. Hands pick up food 4. Mouth opens to receive food 5. Teeth and muscle masticates food. 6. Saliva moistens the food. 7. Tongue perceives taste and pushes crushed food. All these work is possible through a system of control and coordination.


1. Which activity is basic to living?
A. Life processes
2. Give one term-science that deals with life processes.
A. Physiology.
3. What is the similarity between chlorophyll and haemoglobin?
A. Both are pigments. Chlorophyll is green pigment where as haemoglobin is red coloured pigment.
4. Define Chemosynthesis.
A. It is the mode of autotrophic nutrition in which external energy required for synthesis of organic food is obtained from chemical reaction.
5. What is photolysis of water? What are its products?
A. It is the photocatalytic splitting of water into its components. Products are protons, electrons and oxygen.
6. What are the important enzymes of pancreatic juice and their function?
A. (i) amylase-digests carbohydrate
(ii) lipase- digests fat
(iii) trypsin- digests protein
7. Give reasons of dental caries in people.
A. It is the tooth decay due to gradual softening of Enamel and Dentine. It take place when bacteria acting on sugar produce acids which softens the enamel.
8. With schematic diagram explain double circulation in man.
A. Refer to Text.
9. Explain mechanism of urine formation.
A. It takes place in three steps.
Blood flows into Glomerulus under pressure.
So blood is filtered under pressure called ultra filtration.
Small solutes (urea ,uric acid, amino acids, hormones, glucose, ions etc) and water are filtered out into bowman's capsule called filtrate.
Filtrate passes into nephron tubule. The tubule absorbs all useful components required for the body.
Some of the waste from blood is secreted into the tubule. 
Extra salts and ions are also secreted for proper concentration and pH of the urine.
Diagram: See Your NCERT Text book
10. Why is diffusion insufficient to meet oxygen requirement of multicellular organisms like us?
a.The body is covered by dead cells.
b.The living cells are not in contact with external environment.
c.Diffusion can't carry oxygen to each and every cell as it's a slow process.
11. Explain the role of HCl in our stomach.
a.Activation of enzyme Pepsin.
b.Acidifies food for the action of Pepsin.
c.Kills microbes present in the food.
12. What is the advantage of terrestrial organisms over aquatic organisms for obtaining oxygen for respiration?
A. Air has more percentage(21%) of oxygen than dissolved oxygen percentage of water that's why they get more oxygen than aquatic organisms.
13. How are lungs designed to maximize area for gaseous exchange?
a.Highly branched respiratory tract.
b.Thin wall alveolar membrane having balloon like structure.
c.Network of capillaries over the surface of alveoli.
14. Describe fat digestion in human body and the organ where it occurs.
a.Fat is first emulsified with the help of bile salt.
b.Emulsification converts fat into very fine droplets.
c.They are acted upon pancreatic lipase.
d.Lipase breaks fat into fatty acid and Glycerol.
e.It take place duodenum of small intestine.
15. How are water and minerals transported in plants?a.Trachieds and vessels of xylem tissue carry water from roots to leaves.
b.This tissue form a continuous system of water conducting channel reaching all plant parts.
c.Root cell which are in contact with the soil actively takes up ion which creates a difference in the concentration of ions in soil and root cells.
d.So, water moves into roots creating a column of water that is steadily pushed upward.
e.Due to transpiration there is loss of water from the cells of leaf. It creates a suction which pulls water from xylem cells of roots.
So, transpiration helps in the absorption and the upward movement of water.
16. How are food and other substances transported in plants?
a.Transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is called Translocation and it occurs in sieve tube and companion cells of phloem.
b.These substances move from leaves to storage organs, growing organs etc. both in upward and downward direction.
c.Photosynthetic product in the form of Sucrose is transferred from leaf cells to Phloem in expense of energy.
d.This increases osmotic pressure of phloem tissue, so water moves into the tissue.
e.The osmotic pressure moves the material in the phloem to tissues which is in less pressure according to the plants need.
17. Give labeled Diagrams for the following.
a.Digestive system of man.
b.Respiratory system of man.
c.Structure of Nephron.
d.Structure of Stomata.
e.Structure of Heart.
f.Parts of Brain.
g.Reflex action and reflex arc.


1.Plants ------>insects ------> frog ------> crow. How much energy will be available if plants absorb 1500 KJ of energy.
2.Name the enzyme that acts on acidic medium and name the organ from which it is released.
3.The wall of arteries thick and elastic, why?
4.Why is variation beneficial to the species but necessary for the individual?
5.Draw neat label diagram of heart showing the direction of blood flow.
6.Why do asexually reproducing organism show very little variation? Do the survival of variants have equal chances?
7.In water harvesting system why is it preferred to store water underground? Give three reasons.
8.(1) Which layer of atmosphere acts as protective layer for living being from harmful rays of sun? How is that layer formed?
(2) Expand UNEP. What is its role in protecting the important layer of atmosphere?


1.What do you mean by natural resources? Give examples.
2.What are various laws and organisations that protect our environment?
3.Name the microorganisms whose presence indicates water contamination?
4.Write one way how to measure contamination of water.
5.Explain three R’s to save environment.
6.What is sustainable development?
7.What is the necessity to manage our resources?
8.Why forest is called ‘biodiversity hot spots’?
9.Who are the stakeholders of forest?
10.Out of the four stakeholders which one is preferred to take care of forest?
11.Why do forest development and industrialists are not preferred to forest conservation?
12.What is ‘chipko movement’? Why this movement became so popular?
13.What are the various reasons of non-availability of water in arid and semi-arid zones of our country?
14.What are the advantages of dam?
15.Why dam construction is a matter of controversy and criticism?
16.Define water harvesting? What are the various ways of water harvesting?
17.Why should water-harvesting system be localized?
18.What are the advantages of water stored in ground?
19.Why coal and petroleum are called fossil fuels?
20.Why management of resources is necessary?
21.Why should resources like coal and petroleum be judiciously used?
22.What are the harmful gases released when fossil fuels are burnt? What are their adverse effects?
23.Write some eco-friendly activities at home/school?

Read this article now: SAVEFOREST. –S. Rath PGT Biology


1.Define environment. What are the two components of environment?
2.What is biogeochemical cycle? Name four nutrients, which are recycled?
3.Differentiate biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances with examples.
4.Define ecosystem and what are the components of ecosystem?
5.Give example of abiotic component of ecosystem.
6.Give two artificial and two natural system of ecosystem.
7.Define trophic level. Write the trophic level of carnivores, herbivores and producers.
8.How are consumers classified? Give example of two organisms of each group.
9.How do microorganisms help in nutrient cycling?
10.Give two functions of ecosystem.
11.Why should not be a food chain more than four steps?
12.Define ten percent law of energy transfer.
13.What percent of light energy do producers capture?
14.If 2000 calories of solar energy falls on earth surface, calculate the amount of energy received at producer, herbivore and carnivore level.
15.Which type of food habit provides more energy - vegetarian or no vegetarian and why?
16.Define food web. What is the advantage of food web?
17.What is the direction of flow of energy and nutrient?
18.What is biological magnification or bio concentration? Explain this giving an example.
19.Define ecological pyramid. What does ecological pyramid represent?
20.Which one is having highest concentration of pesticides- water, plants, man and fish?
21.Give an example of food chain and state the different trophic level in it.
22.Briefly describe the formation of ozone layer. How is it beneficial for organisms?
23.Expand- CFC, UNEP.
24.Give example of two cases where CFC used.
25.How do nonbiodegradable substances harmful for us?
26.What are your suggestions in reducing the problems of waste disposal?
27.What steps can be taken to limit the damage to the ozone layer?

- S. Rath PGT Biology